Love is love.

How much love is in your life? How do you give and receive it?

Love is one of the most powerful emotions on the planet and, in my opinion, a huge element of kindness.

Every year around this time, talk of love fills the airwaves. As a romantic, I appreciate spontaneous gestures that come from the heart at random times of the year, rather than cards or gifts dictated by a date on the calendar. But that’s me. For those who revel in the grand gestures, all the power to you – enjoy!
There are so many types of love – puppy love, love at first sight, comfortable and predictable love, passionate soul love where you experience familiarity and connection that feels like a cosmic force. There’s family and friendship love, and a plethora of love between two humans from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and lifestyles. I’ve been lucky enough to experience several and I wouldn’t trade them for anything, even those that ended in heartache. When it comes to love, there is no right or wrong. Love is love.
I hope on this Feb 14, and the other 364 days of the year, you are surrounded with the love and support of your circle, in all its forms. And may you spread the love in return, to family, friends, and strangers alike.

Love heals all and the world needs more of that right now.

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